How to correctly import components into parts management
For those who want to work smarter with EPLAN, the use of the EPLAN Data Portal is a must. This portal contains the most up-to-date component data from hundreds of suppliers. Just think of function templates, macros, mounting data, technical characteristics and even 3D models. In order to be able to select parts from the EPLAN Data Portal, it is good to first load them into the parts management in your own EPLAN environment. We explain below what you should pay attention to.
Stay in control of your tree structure
When you import a component from the EPLAN Data Portal into the parts management, make sure that you do not lose your advantage with the download default path. Imagine that you have worked out a whole tree structure in your macro folder with sections such as protection, relays or switches. When you import a component from the EPLAN Data Portal into the parts management, EPLAN always places this data in a fixed location within EPLAN. This can cause the carefully constructed structure of your macro folder to become cluttered.
Work with a test directory
To avoid this, use a test directory when importing components (set a scheme in the settings for the EPLAN paths). By doing this, you can easily adapt the description of the component and avoid the EPLAN Data Portal default paths entering your tree structure. As soon as you download a component via the EPLAN Data Portal, the component is not imported into the live existing tree structure, but into the test environment. This means you retain control over the import and your existing tree structure is not at risk.
Low quality component list
Suppose you are sent a component list that the customer requests you to use in the project. It often happens that this component list contains poor component data: for example, macros or other technical data may be missing. In order to work efficiently, make sure that you enrich these components with additional information. There are services available where the EPLAN experts can upload lists to help speed up the implementation process, a quick start process.
Protect existing fields
If you have already created a macro or entered customised descriptions for a particular component, you want to make sure not to overwrite the macro or description you have created. It is a good idea to secure the "macro" or “designation” field during the part import so that you only import the missing data from the EPLAN Data Portal and your custom macro remains unchanged.
External editing of components
What do you do if, for example, you want to adjust an ERP number or a description for a number of components? In that case, you can export the desired data via the parts management and adjust it with Microsoft Excel. It is best to use a CSV file for this. For example, if you only want to adjust the ERP number, it makes little sense to export all fields of a component. For the export you can choose to only export the field with the ERP number. You do this by modifying the configuration file. You can then export the desired field and start enriching it in Microsoft Excel. After you have done this, save this as a CSV file and you can upload the components to your parts management, after which EPLAN takes over the data you have added. Handy, right?
Do you prefer video? Check out how to import parts from the EPLAN Data Portal in this short video.
But working smarter doesn't start and stop with a high-quality and accurate component list!
You can find more expert tips and tricks for efficient designing within the EPLAN software here.