

John Boynton John Boynton John has worked for EPLAN for 24 years and is our Technical Business Manager. A member of The Institute of Engineering & Technology, and The Engineering Council for over 20 years, John has a wealth of experience and skills ranging from analysing customers' processes in order to identify areas in which could be made more efficient, to project management, consultancy, method counselling and project commissioning.

Are you ready for the global, virtual exchange of engineering knowledge?

Author: John Boynton Time to read: minute minutes
On the 21st May 2019, EPLAN and sister company Rittal, will be hosting their fourth Virtual Fair which focuses on digitalisation strategies in engineering.

Presentations, live software demonstrations and management discussions will all be part of the day's multifaceted programme. The goal is to provide an exchange of expertise in more than seventy countries around the world. 

The interactive event has been redesigned to reflect its trade fair origins. For this reason, the organisers are providing sixteen hours of broadcasting, presenting and talking shop from 05:00 am to 9:00 pm (BST). Numerous countries from Europe, Asia and North America will be participating live and will also be setting up country pavilions where customers and attendees can receive information specific to their local markets. 

The presentations will be conducted in English and focus on product innovations and future trends, such as cloud technologies and digitalisation. A panel discussion with key players from the EPLAN and Rittal management team will be one of the highlights of the Virtual Fair. 

Value Chain Graphic - CroppedThe "Integrated Value Chain" is being presented with EPLAN's sister company Rittal and attendees can expect fascinating presentations with live discussions about the Cloud. 

Customers and prospective clients are invited to ask questions and join in the discussions. All attendees can contact presenters via the chat function and will be supported in their native language. 

If you or anyone you know would like to attend the Virtual Fair, simply register free of charge by clicking on the below icon.

Register today


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