sustainability in electrical engineering


Andrew Mutch Andrew Mutch Having previously worked as an aircraft technician with HM Forces, Andy is one of our Professional Services Consultants and has been with EPLAN for 10 years. Part of Andy's role is to actively analyse customers processes, develop solution concepts and workflows for customer requirements. Andy is also our resident Harness expert!

Embrace a Paperless Future with Eplan

Author: Andrew Mutch Time to read: minute minutes

In the modern manufacturing world, documents and folders are becoming less and less necessary. Here's why you should try the paperless approach. 

Today's manufacturing landscape is becoming increasingly digital, meaning physical documentation will soon be a thing of the past. Resources like Eplan can help to reduce physical storage, minimising wasteful paper usage, providing rapid immediate access to your most important data, as well as making future maintenance a breeze. Storing materials on cloud-based databases means that the relevant employees can retrieve materials whenever and wherever needed. This way, everybody can always access the appropriate information and it also saves time on those pesky administrative hurdles. 

Control cabinet design is an essential part of embracing digital business solutions. Circuit diagrams, maintenance schedules, and compliance certificates can be reviewed and updated within the Eplan platform. This one-stop shop can help reduce downtime, with all your tools are located in one place.

Eplan's ECAD provides software and service solutions for electrical panel builders, electrical design, and automation and mechatronic engineering. By creating digital twins and documentation within the software, lengths of wires, cables, din rail, trunking and more can be stored for quick referencing. Check out Eplan's ProPanel software for your specific control panel needs, and Eplan Harness proD for cable design and documentation.


Electrical engineer frustrated with traditional CAD schematics

Benefits of a Paperless Approach

By storing, viewing and updating documentation through an active online portal, manufacturers can reduce breaks in production during routine maintenance or emergency equipment repairs. Long gone is the requirement to print off a 500-page manual. This paperless approach is not only a huge time-saver, but will also help reduce carbon emissions. Our eBook, ‘Building a Greener Future: Sustainability in UK Manufacturing’ explores the various benefits of implementing greener business practices, including the prospect of going paperless. 

Digitalisation in manufacturing is not limited to improved maintenance. Eplan can help companies implement better digital practices throughout their organisation to enhance the entire value chain. For example, engineers can collaborate remotely using Eplan’s cloud-based solutions (even without licenses!) which consequently reduces carbon emissions through the negated need for travel to business locations. eVIEW, eMANAGE and eSTOCK are all software programs that comprise the Eplan cloud. Let's explore each program in more detail. 

Eplan eVIEW schematic viewer for electrical engineers

Eplan’s Digital Solutions


Eplan’s eVIEW is a schematic viewer that streamlines your business operations. Instead of constantly editing and adjusting your schematic document and disseminating incorrect copies to your peers, a cloud-based solution will save you stress, paper, and money. Everybody involved with the project will receive the correct, most updated versions, so everybody can stay on the same (digital) page. If any changes need to be made, our software includes an end-to-end redlining process that supports communication within the engineering team as well as with the commissioning and service technicians on-site. You can access eVIEW free of charge.


Eplan’s eMANAGE is a cloud-based server that you can use in conjunction with Eplan’s eVIEW. eMANAGE is your foundation for active collaboration across projects and locations. Share your data quickly and securely with co-workers, partners, suppliers, and customers. Simply upload your projects from Eplan Electric P8 and Eplan ProPanel into the cloud and download them again later to continue working on them. eMANAGE is available in a free version as well as a full version with extra perks – like an additional 10GB of storage per licence.


Eplan’s eSTOCK is your tool for device management across multiple users. The Eplan Cloud software can centrally manage and edit Eplan device data using your web browser. This comprehensive device data management is possible without the resource-intensive development of a separate IT infrastructure. Reduce the time needed for coordination and review processes with external project partners for smooth project completion.

wind turbine with green fields promoting sustainable manufacturing processes


A paperless future is within your reach with Eplan’s Cloud-based software solutions. The future of sustainable manufacturing is becoming increasingly accessible with software that replaces the need for physical paper databases and manuals. Even a hybrid approach to data storage would improve your efficiency and sustainability. By embracing paperless software programming, you are streamlining your business processes in an eco-friendly approach. Adopt seamless collaboration tools as well as smarter device management and witness the transformation of your business’s efficacy. Choose from eVIEW, eMANAGE and eSTOCK to build a greener future. 

For a more detailed look into sustainability in manufacturing, don't forget to download our eBook, ‘Building a Greener Future: Sustainability in UK Manufacturing’.




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