
Unlocking automation & digitalisation potential
At our recent EPLAN & Rittal ‘Future Forum’ we gave an insight into the ways in which you can make the most of the joint solutions to improve not only engineering and manufacturing, but the whole process right through to service and maintenance. The day ranged from high-level talks on industry trends, software tips for design engineers using the new EPLAN Platform 2022 and how to ensure electrical equipment is housed within a protective environment, be it IT or within the industrial space.
Whilst face-to-face events are a little scarce right now, one positive of a virtual event is that the recordings can easily be made available for you to catch up and watch on-demand. Here’s a run down of the post popular sessions from the event, however, all are available to watch.
1. Trends: Industrial Automation - Nikesh Mistry, Sector Head for Industrial Automation (GAMBICA)
As more manufacturers become reliant on technology and digitalisation, industrial automation is becoming a necessity rather than novelty, and it’s crucial that moving forward the industry responds accordingly. In this keynote, Nikesh discusses industry trends, and the way in which manufacturers are responding to them.
2. More Than Just an Update: EPLAN Platform 2022 - Nigel Grant, Applications Engineer (EPLAN)
The newly launched EPLAN Platform 2022 offers a modern technical foundation that provides users with a completely new user experience. As part of this, we‘ve increased the integration with cloud technologies on EPLAN ePULSE. Discover more about EPLAN Platform 2022 in this live software demonstration.
3. Roundtable: Overcoming Digitalisation & Automation Challenges – UK & Ireland Management Board (Rittal & EPLAN)
Following the keynote session by GAMBICA the UK management board give their opinions on the topics raised in a ‘roundtable’ style live talk. In addition, the board are asked questions on how panel builders and system integrators are implementing industrial automation and digitalisation.
4. From Digital to Physical: Intelligent Wiring - Graham Bloom, Senior Professional Services Consultant (EPLAN) & Andy Mutch, Professional Services Consultant (EPLAN)
The most time-intensive phase of a typical control panel is usually wiring, often taking up to 49% of the total time. Whilst wiring is the lengthiest process, it is also the stage which has the biggest opportunity to save time. In this session discover the semi-automated and automated solutions which are currently available which will save you time, improve quality, and reduce errors.
5. Online Enclosure Configuration Made Easy - Emma Ryde, Product Manager (Rittal)
In this software demonstration, Emma Ryde, Product Manager, shows how enclosure configuration can be made easier with the free tool, the Rittal RICS configurator which can be accessed online, and integrated with EPLAN.
All of these most popular recorded sessions, plus many more are awaiting you for free. But that’s not all, once signed into the platform, you have access to EPLAN software tips & Tricks, Rittal FAQ’s and interactive downloads. What are you waiting for? Click below for full access.