
Quick help with resource bottlenecks: The EPLAN Marketplace is here!
Day-to-day business shows that the project business has many of its own hurdles with data preparation and integration, things companies sometimes cannot handle on their own. Often times they also need personnel resources as support. This begs the question: Which provider in the field of CAE software, specifically in the EPLAN environment, is suitable for this? Then the arduous search begins, especially in larger countries that have less coverage with EPLAN expertise. This search process will now be simplified with the EPLAN Marketplace. “We want our customers around the world to be successful,” says EPLAN Senior Vice President Strategy & Corporate Program Marco Litto.
Quick access to international suppliers
From engineering to wire harness production, there’s the right service for everyone. To help users identify the right providers, the EPLAN Marketplace is divided into three sectors:
- Engineering Services
Here you will find companies that provide support creating schematics, hardware design or setting up device data. - Module Manufacturing Services
This sector addresses services in control cabinet engineering, panel building, cabling assembly and wire harness creation.
- General Services
These service providers advise joint customers in the fields of ERP, PLM or software development (PLC, visualisation, etc.)By searching for the software in use, type of services or country-specific region, users can filter which providers are suitable for which tasks. Contact to the companies can also be initiated directly through the platform.
Eplan Marketplace: 60 companies currently participate
60 small and medium-sized enterprises are already listed in the Marketplace and Eplan intends to expand the offerings here. Companies with the corresponding expertise in the engineering environment around the world are encouraged to register for the Marketplace.
The requirements for participating in the Eplan Marketplace are proven qualifications – for instance an employee who has trained to become an Eplan Certified Engineer as well as an evaluation from at least one reference client. Eplan managers then validate the provider and qualifications, and, after a successful check, the company is then listed in the Marketplace.
Users can use the contact form to send an inquiry to the service provider – services are then agreed to and invoiced outside the Marketplace. Feedback can be left on the platform that can help other interested parties in choosing their future service provider. What’s more, it is completely free for suppliers to be listed on Eplan Marketplace.