electric schematic viewer for electrical engineers


Ken Christie Ken Christie Ken Christie is the Country Director at EPLAN UK. He has been working at EPLAN for 9 years with his expertise in the electrical design industry.

Is your current CAD software right for you? Signs to make the change

Author: Ken Christie Time to read: minute minutes

At Eplan, we know that in the world of electrical engineering, time is of the essence. Traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems can often lead to laborious manual operations and leave opportunities for errors. 

Eplan offers an innovative electrical design solution that addresses common issues that electrical engineers face. We will outline some of the key challenges you might face using old-school CAD and how Eplan’s eCAD design can transform your electrical schematics for a faster, error-free process.

 Signs that it may be time for a change

1. Snail-speed Cross-referencing

Cross-referencing between electrical components can take days when done manually with CAD systems. The tedious process of double-checking the right connections or verifying data across the entire project eats into your work schedule. The arduous nature of the task can allow potential mistakes to go undetected. 

Eplan offers automatic cross-referencing which significantly reduces the time spent on each task. By eliminating manual data input, Eplan software lowers the risk of human error and keeps your project moving at the speed of light, rather than at a snail’s pace.


2. Slow Export of Bills of Materials, Reports, and Manufacturing Data

Generating bills of materials (BOM) and manufacturing reports in CAD software can be another slow-moving process. Whether this is exporting data into formats such as Excel, Adobe or even to automated machinery, feedback suggests that exporting these detailed reports can take hours at the end of a project. Often this requires the design engineer to generate each report individually. This type of manual exporting is not only time-consuming but also increases the likelihood of incorrect data entry. 

With Eplan, you can automatically generate reports at the click of a button, as all data is located in the same project. This increases productivity times and ensures the report is accurate. You can create your own templates or modify existing ones to suit your needs. 

Businessman being depressed by accounting in his office

3. Sick of your 2D CAD software?

When panel layouts are drawn and checked in 2D CAD software, it could take days. In some cases, the mechanical team decides the panel size and leaves the electrical team little wiggle room to efficiently design a panel with all the necessary devices and components. This can lead to panel sizes being too small which results in costly reordering of parts and can delay lead times, negatively affecting the companies reputation. 

Eplan allows electrical engineers to design panel layouts in 3D with EPLAN Pro Panel. 3D virtual prototyping allows you to visualise the layout from the start of the project, aiding you to plan ahead. This safety measure ensures that your final layout will fit. What’s more, by designing the layout in 3D, this can be used as a reference by the panel builders on the shop floor to ensure that every panel is standardised and each component is in the same place.


Considering the Switch? Contact Eplan  

If you are facing these issues and want to find a comprehensive solution in our electrical eCAD software, we can help you! The standard process will involve a conversation with one of our account managers to listen to your specific requirements and problems you are currently facing. 

After this discussion, we will formulate a solution presentation based on your tailored situation.  There will be opportunities for an additional demonstration if you have any concerns.  Once your needs have been established, we can put together a proposal and look forward to a more efficient future.  
You can reach us via email at info@eplan.co.uk or via telephone at +44 (0)1709 704100.  
If you need further assistance, feel free to use our Contact page on the Eplan Website. 

We look forward to seeing what you’ll achieve with Eplan (the best ecad software on the market!)  



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