The image features EPLAN’S CAD software


Andrew Mutch Andrew Mutch Having previously worked as an aircraft technician with HM Forces, Andy is one of our Professional Services Consultants and has been with EPLAN for 10 years. Part of Andy's role is to actively analyse customers processes, develop solution concepts and workflows for customer requirements. Andy is also our resident Harness expert!

Do You Find Your Current CAD Software Restrictive? Use EPLAN Instead!

Author: Andrew Mutch Time to read: minute minutes
If you find your current electrical CAD software restrictive and not fit for purpose, it may be time to consider the benefits of migrating to EPLAN! In this article, we look at the main disadvantages of traditional CAD packages and why EPLAN could be a better fit for you and your team.

The Disadvantages Of Traditional CAD Packages For Electrical Engineers

‘Traditional’ CAD packages can be restrictive and difficult to work with for electrical design engineers, due to them being primarily designed to accommodate the mechanical engineering process, and being overly dependent on manual, repetitive processes to complete designs. Electrical CAD software needs to be optimised for the design, development and maintenance of control panels, enclosures, wiring harnesses and other related electrical systems, but unfortunately, many standard CAD platforms don’t have these capabilities built in.

This leads to a lot of frustration and unnecessary manual editing and, in some cases, some workarounds to complete the design. Electrical engineers may need to spend significant time manually revising and checking their work, which can be a lengthy process, as well as being prone to human error. With manual CAD tools, mistakes can easily be made, and the later in the design and manufacturing process a mistake is found, the more it costs to rectify the situation, and the greater the likelihood of design mistakes which in turn impact production.

This can lead to a waste of both time and resources, which can quickly mount up throughout a project lifecycle.

Even worse, some CAD packages aren't compatible with current electrical design technologies, standards, and tools already in use, creating a huge stumbling block for electrical engineers who may be unable to access the features they need, and be unable to ensure the required level of standardisation throughout the project. Most electrical design teams, therefore, benefit from looking into alternative dedicated electrical CAD software solutions that are more optimised to the specific needs of an electrical engineer.

CAD Software For Electrical Engineers: The Advantages Of EPLAN

EPLAN is a great alternative to traditional CAD packages for electrical design engineers, eliminating many of the daily issues engineers face when designing electrical projects. EPLAN is easy to use, comprehensive in its tools and features, and provides more precision control. In addition, the design automation reduces the number of repetitive, manual tasks in the process and allows engineers to focus on creative and innovative solutions to complex design challenges. Electrical engineers have found that EPLAN enables faster design times, increased accuracy and improved efficiency when compared to other CAD software solutions.

Is EPLAN Only For Large-Scale Projects?

EPLAN is exceptional for large-scale projects, delivering improved organisation, automated responses, and efficient cloud-based data management and communication tools that improve collaboration among stakeholders. However, it is a misconception that EPLAN is only beneficial for large-scale projects. This simply isn’t true, as the platform is used successfully and effectively by many small-scale customers as well.

EPLAN’s tools and features are scalable and configurable to the needs of any electrical design project, helping engineers spot errors early in the design phase before they pass through to production. Pro Panel, for example, helps engineers visualise their component layouts and check if their specified components will fit into the panel beforehand, thus saving valuable time in design as well as on the shop floor during production and assembly.

Whatever the size of your project, EPLAN can eliminate manual, repetitive tasks and automate processes that might take hours or sometimes days in other CAD systems. Users have access to free cloud products such as manufacturers component data, free regularly updated e-learning materials, and free onboarding materials, as well as a range of project templates, guided installation services to get your team up and running quickly and reduce downtime. Comprehensive annual updates keep you up to speed with the latest changes in electrical design practices.

EPLAN First Look - Saving Time In Electrical Design

Overall, EPLAN is a great ECAD alternative as it is a more suitable and enhanced platform for specific electrical projects. Why not watch this short webcast for your first look at the EPLAN Platform!

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