What is Eplan
What is Eplan and is it worth the investment?

Eplan provides software and service solutions in the fields of electrical, automation and mechatronic engineering. We develop one of the world’s leading design software solutions for machine, plant and panel builders.

What is Eplan 9/07/24 What is Eplan? Woman sits in coffee shop with laptop, doing data transfer 30/01/24 Legacy CAD Data: ECAD Migration Challenges Debunked 23/01/24 Does it take a long time to switch to EPLAN? A man and a woman smile at a tablet 16/01/24 Is EPLAN worth the investment? A man at his computer looking into why automated CAD software is superior to manual. 12/12/23 Manual VS Automated: Why Automated Electrical CAD Software Is Superior An engineer wearing safety glasses and gloves as he uses EPLAN's Smart Wiring virtual assistant to make the task easier and faster. 5/09/23 EPLAN's step-by-step wiring solution: A game-changer for panel building...