
The top 5 blogs of 2020!
We have gathered 5 of our top blog posts of 2020 which address some of the key factors that will help ensure 2021 is your most efficient engineering year to date!
1. What’s new in version 2.9?
Have you updated your software to the newest version 2.9? With the new version 2.9 everything is possible. Think: easier implementation of corporate standards through level management, storing QR codes via hyperlinks, and editing project data in bulk using navigators. In this blog we explore these benefits and more of using version 2.9.
2. Five reasons why you should be creating schematics with macros
No matter how different schematics may look, there will always be elements of the project which you have used in past projects. So why waste time starting from scratch? There is so much to be gained from using macros when creating schematics. In this blog we give 5 reasons as to why you should be using macros in EPLAN Electric P8.
3. Why companies such as LCA now rely on digital review processes
Do you create schematics using professional engineering software but then still use printouts or PDFs for fine tuning or updates? There is a more efficient way, and it involves the cloud-based solution, EPLAN eVIEW. In this blog you’ll discover how LCA Group benefits greatly from a digital review process, including improving collaboration via the redlining function.
4. Why you should use a digital twin
Designing control cabinets using a digital twin (also known as virtual prototyping) in a 3D digital environment helps speed up the whole process of panel building. This is because tasks such as ordering the components, determining drill holes and positioning components has already been completed in the design stage.This blog discusses the many advantages of virtual protoyping to increase efficiencies throughout the whole value chain.
5. What panel builders really want!
As part of its listening process, the EPLAN Customer Advisory Board has identified a number of specific issues that panel builders are having to deal with in their day-to-day work. In this blog we address these issues and offer efficiency enhancing solutions to overcome them.
Ready to take a step into your efficient future? Complete the demonstration form and one of our experts will be in contact to discuss how EPLAN solutions can boost your engineering processes.