Eplan’s Guide to Panel Building Productivity
How to Get Ahead in Panel Building

Panel builders operate in a fiercely competitive sector at the moment, creating intense pressures for manufacturers that are unlikely to ease for the foreseeable future. Companies are bidding for contracts that have tight budgets and tighter...

17/11/21 Unlocking automation & digitalisation potential 17/03/21 Automation Concern Four – 'Nobody makes automated machinery for building... 23/02/21 Automation Concern Three – 'The benefits of automation in panel building are... 2/02/21 Automation Concern Two – 'Automation is too expensive for us to contemplate.' 12/01/21 Automation Concern One – 'We can’t automate panel design because almost every...

It’s true, a lot of the time control panels are one-offs. However, even the most unique control panels contain fixed or...

15/12/20 The top 5 blogs of 2020!